Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Menu plan Monday and week in review- Nov. 16th, 08

Edwin and I worked together for our menu this week. He told me a few things he wanted me to try to cook! I've been under the weather for the third week now (feeling ALOT better but still blowing my nose all the cotton pickin time), and I suppose it was only a matter of time that I gave it to Edwin! So this week we're eating lots of soup! Check outOrgJunkie for more recipes. 

Monday-Baked Potato Soup
Tuesday- Kid's choice 
Wednesday- Chili's then to church! (apparently this is becoming a tradition) 
Thursday- Chili (with some personal modifications so its not too spicy!)
Friday- Crock pot brown sugar chicken (click here for the recipe; you have to scroll down until you find it), broccoli, and parmesan potato rounds 

Dessert- I tried the Play-dough cookies and I didnt like how they tasted at all! I must have messed up the measurements somehow, but I ended up throwing them all in the trash! I"m going to try again, but use a recipe I already have and love.

¾ sugar

½ melted shortening

2 eggs, beaten

1 ts. Vanilla

2 cups flour

2 ts. Baking powder

½ ts. Salt

blend sugar with shortening. Stir in eggs and vanilla. Sift together in another bowl; flour, baking powder, and salt. Add to the eggs and shortening mixture. Mix well and chill until its easy to handle. Place the dough on a lightly floured piece of waxed paper, or counter. Divide dough into fourth's and use a different colored food coloring for each bowl. Take a small amount of each colored dough and roll into one ball. (I'm doing this instead of rolling like a snake and coiling it).

 (from Saucy Eats)

Bake at 375 for 10-12 minutes. 

Here are a few snippets of the past two weeks. The following is a post by Edwin
Funny story . . . the other week during the election we were all sitting around the living room and Kai hears the name "McCain" on the tv, he looks up and says "I voted today!" I said "Really, that's great. Who'd you vote for?" He looks at me and says "Not the old guy, I voted for that other guy that I can't say his name." - "Obama?" - "Yeah, him. I like him. Who'd you vote for daddy?" - "Well, I voted for the old guy." - "Really? Why? He's old." At this point Keira is feeling very left out and yells "Daddy, I vote for JESUS!" We all died laughing. Put's things in perspective. 
If we spent half the time worrying about who we made Lord of our life as we do who we make president, we'd all be a little better off. Along those lines here is a link to Mark Driscoll's blog that really says what America needs, that it seems like many of the things we want our President to do, are things that Christ will do for us when He comes again. Read it if you like, I promise it's apolitical. 

On another note (it's michelle now), A few weeks ago I got to cook some yummy King Ranch Chicken for some friends! I was really excited to cook for friends for the first time. We also were able to take the kiddos to see Madagascar II during the day, then went out for a date night saturday night. I beat Edwin in a game of bowling. But then again, we played a second game and he creamed me. We also watched Kung Fu panda with a projector on our living room wall! The kid's thought it was completely amazing and enjoyed making animal shadow's with their hands!
 We headed to my families' cabin this weekend without the kids; for a fun and relaxing weekend. It was filled with four wheeling fun, skeet shooting, thunderstorms, scrabble, sleeping in, and fellowship. Sorry, no pictures this time! BUT, here's a picture of my "just because" present I received last week..

aw; my husband rocks.

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