I've always loved cats. I had two brothers growing up; Mario and Luigi. Dont judge me on their names. My brother and I were in elementary and middle school at the time, and I"m pretty sure he persuaded me to name them after his favorite Nintendo game. I'm a little surprised I didn't push for Sprinkles (The Office, anyone?!), Tinkerbell, or Cabbage Patch. Maybe my dad couldn't handle the boy cats having a feminine, fairy tale name. But nonetheless, I loved Mario and Luigi and I dressed them up in my baby doll clothes, when they were kittens. A few years after we adopted Mario and Luigi, Mario passed away.
We got a dumb dog as a replacement (mom and I went to the pound and "surprised" my dad with a new, dumb dog). We eventually had to put Buttercup (ahhh; there's the female name I pushed for! Princess Bride anyone?!) to sleep, because she couldn't keep her teeth to herself. She also had a tumor the vet found, so it was multiple strikes against Buttercup. I don't think my dad ever liked Buttercup, so I think Buttercup got sick for my dad. "ASSSSSSS YOOOOOOOUUUUU WIIIIIISSSSHHHH"
After Buttercup, my mom and I brought home a little kitten from the pet store (are you seeing a theme?), because I swore Luigi was lonely. Simba entered our family when I was in the 7th grade! Simba; yes, he was orange and white and super spunky! He used to run around the house and we would all yell; "Fire in the hole!" Well, Luigi was put to sleep after suffering tremendously from an illness that couldnt be helped. I was living in Waco after college, and was really sad! I think I drove home that weekend; don't judge me.
I moved to Houston and got married, so it was just down to my mom, my dad, and Simba. Simba always slept with me when I returned home to visit, and although that's nice and sweet and all, he threw up all the time! I think my parents just had it with him, and poor little Simba was shipped to a new home! My mom found an older single lady that has a lot of cats, and Simba became another one of her babies. Although I was sad to see Simba go, it was just best for everyone (tear, tear).
I like cats. Edwin hates cats. I've been slightly open to a dog, but I'm the one that's going to be home all day, taking care of the dagum dog. I'd much more prefer a kitten! They're so cute and cuddly, and don't require as much attention and maintenance as dogs. Just yesterday, Edwin told me he had a quick flash of "maybe". He figured it would make me REALLY happy (and a baby), the kids would love it, and he would just kick the cat a few times to train it to leave him alone (yes; he pushed away Simba too). As he was telling me his thoughts, I was visibly getting excited for what was about to come! Was he seriously about to tell me to get a kitty!? Alas, he ended his story with a resounding "NAH".
Dang it! On a positive note, he actually pondered it and thought about it! That was the first chip to fall off.