Tuesday, March 2, 2010

28 week pictures

*Total weight gain- 18 pounds
*I now go to the dr every 2 weeks
*Im waiting for a phone call from my dr, to see what my test results are from my gestational diabetes test! 
*I liked the drink for the test. haha! It just tasted like an orange soda!
*My last day of work is March 12th. I am REALLY looking forward to being home and enjoying the end of my pregnancy, AND being able to keep up with my house! I will still take Keira to her pre-k class, because she's learning a lot and I really want her to finish!

28 weeks


  1. Lol! You're TINY! That's a compliment by the way. I love it when I get the every two stage. It makes me feel like I'm making progress.

  2. Girl......

    C ase
    K ase

    is getting so big - and that belly is the cutest ever. How are those tiny legs and bunky holding that baby up?

  3. You are so cute! I can't wait to see you. I check your blog every day hoping for more updates. Love you. --Heidi

  4. love those tits
