Wednesday, December 30, 2009

More baseballs; It's a boy!

Here are our baby boy's photo-shoot pictures! The heart rate was 168 (so the heart rate theory that its a girl if its over 140 did NOT work for us! ha), and the baby is a mover and a shaker! He was all over the place, and the dr. asked me if I drank caffeine that morning (I had not!) We were able to see the baby yawn and move his tongue around! The baby is now flipped and his head is way down yonder.  

I"m feeling great and have nothing to complain about! I get paranoid about everything though; ask Edwin. I was more concerned about making sure the baby was healthy and growing on track (since I'm apparently not growing too much yet!). All my little baby journals say its completely normal to be a bit paranoid about things, and more emotional about your baby's growth and development! So I'm normal; back off. 

My next Apt. is January 5th (next Tuesday!). It's my 20 week appointment; 5 months, the half way mark! I'm not nearly as big as I thought I would, or should be! 

FOOT (toes on the right)

IT'S A BOY (pretty obvious)
19 weeks (trying my best to make my belly look the biggest!)
Our first purchase!
Keira will remain our only princess!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Sex of the baby....

Did I get your attention?! Well, we don't know it yet! I was super bummed that they couldn't squeeze me in before Christmas! We're going on December 30th though! I really wanted to tell our families in a creative way over Christmas, so I"m not sure what I"m going to do anymore! Maybe I'll still do it!

 Just to give you the run down...

1. I am NOT nearly as big as I thought I would be, to find out the sex. Its weird. 
2. Keira really wants a sister
3. Kai wants a sister for Keira
4. Kade couldn't care less. He already has 1 of each and thought that was enough.
5. Edwin and I thought we would prefer a girl; however, when it comes down to it, you really just want a healthy happy baby! 
6. But I would be so happy if it was a girl!
7. And I would really be happy if it was another boy. Lets be honest; boys are just easier (at least in my experience so far!)
8. We haven't really agreed on any names yet, but finding out the sex will really help us narrow some down. 
9. To "K" name or not to "K" name!? We haven't decided, but we're probably just going to pick our favorite name; and it may be a "K" name, or not! 
10. I dont have anything else to write, but I feel like the list just should be to #10

As far as cravings, I dont really have any. There are certain foods that just dont taste as good, and some that are really yummy! I never really eat eggs, but when we have kids night, I make a batch of eggs for me! I dont really crave or eat a lot of chocolate; maybe that's helping with my weight! haha. I haven't had any grilled chicken since being pregnant! I've made chicken and Edwin has grilled, but it just never sounds good when its time to eat it. 

Those are really the only "craving" things I can think of. Right now I just look like I've been drinking too much beer (and I obviously dont drink beer. I think its gross and smells like pee). I actually changed my shirt today, because I just looked flappy and not pregnant!

Merry Christmas! Have a great week!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Keira's nativity play

Keira was Mary in her Pre K Nativity Play! Here are a few pictures from her play.

First, here's me at 17 weeks. I put on a maternity dress to accentuate the belly!
Keira was the one that colored the programs
Little Mary
The Angel appearing to tell Mary about her baby, Jesus
Riding the Donkey (too cute)
Giving birth to Jesus in the stables

The end!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Happy 4 months in the womb baby Twitty!

I had another uneventful doctor's appointment today. I say uneventful, because they go so quick and I didnt even get to talk to the doctor this time!

Go pee in a cup.  Perfect; it's time to empty my bladder again anyways. 

Then I waited for the dr. to come in; and waited.

and waited. 

She poked her head in, and said she had to deliver a baby! Well, that is her job; but, I was left sitting there feeling like my 16 week appointment time was robbed! I tried to steal some of her time and explain that I've been sick and needed some meds! 

Her poor patient was probably pushing, while I was complaining about my cough. 

The nurse then came in and gave me the H1N1 shot. I wasn't going to get it; after speaking to a lot of people and getting their opinions, but I've had a lot of the symptoms this past week and they almost insisted. 

It hurt. 

BUT the best part was, I was able to hear baby Twitty's heartbeat again! Last month, it took the nurse FOREVER to find it. I was laying there on the table freaking out as she was saying. "hum...I can't find it."

Not this time! The heartbeat was loud, and clear, and fast! Maybe baby Twitty is already type A. 

I also lost 3 pounds. How is that possible?! I"m not really even showing, and now I loose 3 pounds?! I have to push out (yes; I am "bloated", but a little pushing out helps my cause), and can't wait for my belly to grow; and I loose 3 pounds. sheesh. 

I suppose all my coughing this past week, has really given my abs a work out!

Speaking of all my poor husband isn't getting any sleep during the night, since I'm up all night coughing.  I may sleep on the couch tonight. 


So this is me lately...

I's such a lovely shot! ha. I'll take more later, but that's it for now! 

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Kai's baptism

Kai was baptized and it was very sweet! Edwin was in the baptistry with Kai, and I was sitting in the service with family and Kade and Keira. It brought tears to my eyes seeing him! Jon, the associate Pastor, had a conversation with Kai a few weeks ago about his decision, and asked Kai if he knew what the word "sins" were. Edwin said Kai had tears in his eyes, as he talked about his sins! Kai was rather nervous standing in front of everybody, but he was ready to make his decision for The Lord. So precious. He's the only kid, or person, I've ever seen to still have perfect hair after being dunked!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Kids say the "darndest" things

For those of you that are not family, you need to know that Keira is 5 and Kai is 7

Me- "Keira, I think you should rub my back. It would really make me feel better."
Keira- "Um...I don't think that sounds like a good plan."

Keira- "Daddy, you are going to be a good looking hippie next year for Halloween!"
Kai- "I think they're called Humpies, not hippies." 

Edwin-"Keira, if you could choose any College to go to, where would you go?"

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Christmas Decor

We decorated for Christmas the week before Thanksgiving! Crazy, but I was ready for it!

 Making the most of our rent house, this holiday season! We're crossing our fingers we wont be in this place past the summer. Please Lord!

Family room
View from kitchen

And the break down of the goods....

Christmas tree, Oh Christmas tree!

Our tray on our ottoman 
Sparkly pinecones and snowballs!

My bell jar; a few sparkly ornaments on the end table
Fireplace mantel
Yummy smelling pinecones in my apothecary jars

My cake dome 
TV armoire 
I had these in tall glass cylinders last year, but I couldn't find them. I decided to just throw them together in this hurricane, for one crazy arrangement! 
Dining table
I love these candles in my lanterns! 
Just a few sparkly ornaments, add a little extra touch to the chandelier. I had a lot of other ideas I wanted to do, but didnt want to spend any more mula!

Thank you Hobby Lobby, for making all my dreams come true! Well, at least for making me decor happy! See you for the after Christmas sales!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

50's day for Keira, and week 13 of pregnancy!

Week 13. Let's be honest. I'm pulling my dress tight, and am bloated looking today. I dont look like this everyday, but I wanted to take a picture! ha. 
without pulling my dress tight. You can't really tell much...
Keira's 50's day at school
She just poses on her own!
Pretty girl

Chunky Beef Stew

Chunky Beef Stew recipe at my cooking blog; Ya Get What Ya Get

Monday, November 2, 2009

Halloween: Football, carnival, and trick or treating!

For Halloween, we had Kade's football game which started almost 2 hours late! It was senior appreciation (There is a Freshman-Senior team based upon age; 8-12), and that took up a good chunk of time. We got to walk down on the field (in between the cheerleaders that all try to talk to Kade!)! We rushed home to get the kiddos into their costumes, and met some fam at a church carnival... and then took the kids trick or treating. 

Kade wasn't completely thrilled to stand in front of everyone, and hold a flower to hand me! ha.
Walking off
Our Star Wars dude, football player, and princess!
Trunk or Treating at the carnival. I"m munching on some candy; lovely picture! 
Trunk or Treat! Kade was running around with some buddies, trying to ignore some girls that kept trying to take his picture. Seriously. Dumb girls.
Kai and Keira! Too funny
The kids found the mother load house, that handed out large boxes of candy!
Our stash! 
We all munched on candy throughout the night and had cotton candy at the carnival, but we gave them an extra 5 minutes right before bed, to dig in! 
And I think Keira is in a sugar coma! 
Hope you had a good Halloween!